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Monday, 25 November 2013

Advertising and brain washing.


Remember the song "you love them . .you leave them . . That's what
is known as technique". ? It was, once upon a
time, an international top-of-the-chart 'Hit Parade' song ! That was well before the feminist
movement spearheaded by the redoubtable Jane
Fonda caught the MCPs(!) on the wrong foot.

These opening lines can now be copied and
pasted on the walls of (among others) those
private banks who specialise in offering loans to wrong people, to those people who cannot afford to repay that loan. These banks specialise in customer baiting, customer 'dating' and then luring the customers into a trap, to be destroyed eventually (when the customer fails to repay the loan) to the benefit of the 'killer' banks!

The way these banks sell the plegded property of
'cannot-afford-but-want-a-loan' people for peanuts in shady deals when these people fail the repayment schedule has shades of LUDLUM cloak-and-dagger novels. The way these 'motivational experts' first entice the future "sacrificial goats" into taking loans is an interesting study in unethical use of motivational techniques.

More than half the cars on our planet belong to people who cannot afford them. It is a credit-card economy. More than half the cars that make the multi-lane city roads the world over look like a 2G internet lane belong to people who should have put that money to better use, for a better life. That these bank executive with big pay-packets manage to sell the idea of a loan to these 'goats' shows that
management techniques do work.

The advertising-world is unethically revolving around the word 'enticement'. The advertising people create 'wants' that did not exist in the first place. They add to a person's feeling of inadequacy and discontentment and impel him to overreach him/herself. After all successful marketing is all about what Peter Drucker famously called the art of selling a refrigerator to an Eskimo !! But that he also
talked about social responsibilities of business is now  conveniently forgotten !

One of the reasons why the classical theories of
economics are failing in a world that is now caught in the vortex of ecomonic crisis is the way market is unethically manipulated by those who know that these classical theories are made of the stuff the fairy tales are made of ! The 'real' economics in this age of unethical advertising does not have a level-playing field. It is not what the classical economics was supposed to be. It makes a mockery of Economics !

The world of real economics today does not have a win-win approach. It is the world war of lucre and the one who calls the tune does not pay the piper. He overwhelms the piper. He kills the mocking bird !!

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