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Saturday, 7 December 2013


There was a time way back in the hoary past when great civilizations
flourished in the Middle East, in Central America, in INDIA, in Mesopotamia and elsewhere too. These civilizations were very advanced in science and technology but they  disappeared mysteriously all over the world .This could be possibly due to the DELUGE referred to in the mythological lore of many countries. In hindu mythology too there is a mention of a deluge (called PRALAY) a few thousand years back.

We have no records now to know about the level of accomplishments of these civilizations except some very sketchy information. Still, whatever little is left for us to discover is amazing. For example how were the pyramids made ? what machinery was used to lift such enormous blocks of stones and to make perfect massive structures ? And how did the ancient Indians and Babylonians know such accurate details about the universe and about the smallest of particles and their inter relationship - YATH PINDAM TATH BRAMHANDAM ( as in the universe so in the atom ). How did the Mayans possess such amazing knowledge about so many things?

With the ravages of time everything perishes except huge stones and some engravings on stones. For example if our civilization perishes in a Deluge, all the great technology will perish. There will be little left for a future civilization to know anything about us except from the stone ( or, may be, steel) structures left behind. They will, as they  build up a primitive civilization from the scratch, wonder how the Eiffel tower was built. And if by chance they get to see a decaying supersonic aeroplane, they will consider it to be an amazing residential structure of some earlier ancient people !

The problem with modern man is the presumption that we are gradually developing from the APE and that there was never ever an advanced scientific civilization before ours. This presupposition creates a mental block.

Everything in nature moves in waves - sound, electricity, light and other energies they all move in waves(cycles). And so do epochs -the rise and destruction of civilizations. Deluge also comes as a pattern, in cycles. This has been propounded in the ancient hindu philosophy which holds that there is a great deluge after each cycle of time and then destruction takes place.

The world is now in the process of accepting that there were indeed many advanced civilizations in the prehistoric past. Consider this excerpt ( it is from the link given at the bottom ) :

"Ancient knowledge was a lot more refined and developed than we have been taught hitherto. From batteries to planispheres, an assortment of gadgets have been excavated and found. Two notable finds were the Nimrud lens and the famous Antikythera Mechanism. The 3,000 year old Nimrud lens was discovered at the palace of Nimrud, in Iraq. Some experts believe the lens was part of an ancient telescope the Babylonians used, hence their advanced knowledge of astronomy. And the famous Antikythera Mechanism (200 BC.) was created to calculate the movements of the sun, moon and planets to predict celestial events. Unfortunately, we can only
speculate on the ways many of these devices were created, used and why the ancient knowledge pertaining to them disappeared for millennia afterwards."

Who were these awesome people ? Was it an age far superior to ours in all facets of human achievements? How did these civizations totally disappear ? And when ?

These question are infact far more important to us than whether there is water on planet Pluto or oxygen in Jupiter's moons or, for that matter, the ongoing charade for the elusive God (!) particle !!

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