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Thursday, 20 February 2014


How do you define Time ?

  'Time' is difficult to define. when you say 'it is ten o'clock',Time is a moment. when you say 'it is dinner time' it is a brief span .When you say 'it was the time of Napolean the great' it becomes  a long stretch . When you say 'Times are bad' it covers an abstraction !

We see that Time moves forward. a child grows up then becomes old. A class room period begins and then ends. Rain starts, floods the street and then stops.

Now consider this : In a train journey you start from Delhi towards south India .Then  Jhansi station comes. Sometime later Bhopal comes. Long afterwards Nagpur comes. But do these stations really come ? They were always there !! You, infact, went to them !!

The ancient Indians (their descendants are called hindus) claimed that Time does not move. On the contrary we move across a fixed canvas : We move across a 'happened' time just as Jhansi station does not come to you - you move to jhansi which is already there. This theory was considered a crap until Einstein stepped in, in the beginning of the 20th century. Read this :

"The static interpretation of time is a view of time which arose in the early years of the 20th Century from Einstein's Special Relativity and Hermann Minkowski's extension of Special Relativity in which time and space were famously united in physicists' thinking as spacetime.

Essentially the universe is
regarded as akin to a reel of film – which is a wholly static physical object – but which when played through a movie projector conjures a world of movement, color, light and change. In the static view our whole universe – our past, present, and future are fixed parts of that reel of film, and the projector is our consciousness. But the 'happenings' of our
consciousness have no objective significance – the objective universe does not happen, it simply exists in its entirety, albeit perceived from within as a world of changes."

In the ancien times, the pre-historic times about which we know little,  great civilizations existed such as the Mayan, the Sumerhans, the Egyptian, the Indian and so many others. They had far greater knowledge about the functioning of human brain than our scientists (who are now barely discovering the mysteries of the Peneal gland for example). They knew how to move across this fixed canvas called Time. Here is an excerpt :

INDIA maintained that Time is absolutely static and motionless. TIME DOES NOT MOVE. ( LAND MOVING BACKWARD AS SEEN FROM THE WINDOW OF A MOVING TRAIN IS AN APT ANALOGY). Our mind moves and hence it seems that time is moving on backwards. So, it is said that controlling the mind and making it absolutely static (Manolaya), time in its entirety, including past, present and future, reveals unto the person. It is believed that one can attain such a state of mind through meditation and the seer is then called 'trikālajňa’, the knower of past, present and future."

It is believed that in modern times too there have been people who could travel across TIME. One such person was NEEM KAROLI BABA , a twentieth century saint of India. To know more about him here is a link :

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