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Tuesday, 19 January 2016


An Englishman in Europe or a person from north India in the south, using words which are of innocuous common use in their own language might just start a fight when they use them  while visiting some other states . . . . you might even end up behind bars for saying something harmless. And you would  be wondering why! And, vice versa, it could be so with some the people of other states visiting your place !

Here are some words having an altogether different meaning in another region (In India and in Europe)

1)MOTA -Fat in hindi  means  ELDER BROTHER in gujrati.

2) KUNDI (in hindi for a Bolt in doors)  means  BUTTOCKS in malyalam & tamil.

3) TOPI (cap in hindi)  means a in  CHEAT kannad.

4) Ammi(mother in hindi)  means a girl's BOSOM in kannad .

5) MUNDA (for a boy in hindi, punjabi)  means a PROSTITUTE  in telugu.

6) DENGE - देंगे (in Hindi means “will give”). In Telugu  it means f*** !!

7)TERI : in hindi it means yours  but in Malayalam, it means abuse/bad words.

8) CHOR (thief in Hindi)  refers to rice in Malayalam!

By the way RANDI (meaning a prostitute in hindi)  means “Please come” in Telugu. So imagine an unsuspecting Telugu man saying Randi to a woman waiting at the door to be invited in. He would get into very serious trouble indeed !!

So  it is with a Britisher visiting Europe. He is going to have trouble with words  such as PRESERVATIVE, FART, BRA, KISS, GIFT etc

* Preservative : many European languages have variations of
preservative that all mean condom.

*Kiss :  has a more juvenile meaning in Swedish – pee . Simple, yet amusing!

* In German, a gift is not quite as pleasant as in English – it means poison !

*fart in Polish means  good luck !!

*bra in Swedish means  good !

You can add more words in "comments"!!

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