Once upon a time there was The radio ! We had a tesla1952 model set.
In the fifties and sixties we listened to Voice Of America at short wave16 meter band, the BBC London at 19 meter band and All India Radio in all the meter bands. There were hit parades from all over the world, Quiz programmes, Binaca geet mala and radio skits. RADIO Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) was a rage in Asia. Ameen Sayani was a Superstar -- of Binaca Geet Mala.It was a real world where friends gathered around radio set to listen to cricket commentaries, celebrate the top of the hit parade songs over steaming hot cups of coffee and tea and hot spicy aloo (Potato) Pakoda.It was not the virtual world of faceless friends of today's smartphone social networking.Sometime later, in early 60s Transistor radio became popular and we bought a BUSH transistor set.
Then came TV. Radio lost popularity. Doordarshan became a craze and TV news readers became super stars. There were so many of them. All very graceful and proficient.
Smartphone seems to have now replaced everything - radio, calculators, tape recorders, cameras and, may, be even the TV. And an overload of commercials is now taking away people from TV sets.
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