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Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Random Reflections

Random Reflections
- the child's world

How far back in time did you leisurely spend some time lying on your back in your backyard or a park bench, looking at birds as they flit from a plant to another, or butterflies as they sit on a green leaf, ever so busy? How far back in time did you gaze at the deep blue sky, with those tiny white clouds scudding across, continuously making new patterns and shapes, with  kites flying 'up above the world so high',  gliding leisurely at that great height, their wings spread wide apart? How far back in time did you last  closely watch  an army of ants at work on the ground, carrying bits of  grains of sugar or cereal far too big for them, always in a neat unbroken line, always disciplined? When did you last watch that tiny cut in your skin caused by a thorn as you worked in the rose garden , and  how it bled for a few seconds and then, automatically,  a transparent film formed over the cut as the healing process began?

Most of us have no time for all these matters. If we are not busy with professional work we are busy with our cell phones or that idiot box. But we  have done all this in our childhood days, the time when we were growing up and constantly educating ourselves, constantly learning new things.

The way a child learns new thing is amazing!

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