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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The ultimate riddle

The ultimate riddle.

In another fifty years science is likely to discover that all living beings on this planet have an electro magnetic   relationship with the other planets of this solar system and the constellations beyond.

The real scientific age is barely a hundred year old  but is progressing at an awesome  rate.. From the first aeroplane to first landing on moon took  just six decades or so ! The time for a quantum jump in scientific discoveries is just round the corner.

The ultimate riddle to solve for science is the limits to which electro magnetic fields from each object affect and alter other body masses. The whole universe is nothing but a fierce interplay of matter and energy known to the ancient religion as Shiva's. Tandav.

Yogi Ram Charak (He was interestingly an American) was ridiculed and insulted by scientists when he maintained in his timeless 1904  book that the human body has an electronic magnetic field. It was only in 1954 that scientist discovered that the human body has indeed an electro magnetic field..

( This 1904 book of yogi Ram Charak,:"FOURTEEN LESSONS in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism " , can be downloaded free from internet.)

Science is correcting itself fast as new facts are unravelled. The creation is unique. No two persons have the same finger prints as each one is an inimitable unique piece of creation in TIME and SPACE  syndrome as  each one is spaced out from others by TIME and PLACE of his/ her birth in the rapid  kaleidescopic shifting of planets and constellations.

The ancient civilisations seemingly solved the riddle of the universe but were obliterated in a deluge (known as a PRALAY in Hindu philosophy in unending cycles of creation and destruction).

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