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Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Holika Dahan


In the evening before the Holi festival bonfire are made to celebrate HOLIKA DAHAN. There is a story surrounding this.

Once upon a time, there lived a demon king named Hiranyakashyap who had tormented the world with atrocities.

"I am the only God" he had proclaimed  "Worship no  God other than me".

Prahlad was his son. The child Prahlad was a devotee of Sri Vishnu bhagwan. His father did not like this at all. He ordered the child  to give up his faith in Sri Vishnu and stop worshiping him. "There is no God other than me" he would say.

Prahlad continued with his prayers and meditation. As the story goes Sri Vishnu one day appeared before him and granted him the boon that he will live a long life and no one could ever kill him.

Hiranyakashyap finally decided to kill his son. His several  efforts however failed..

Hiranyakashyap's sister Holika had a demonic boon that she could not be burnt by fire. So it was decided that Holika would enter a bonfire with Prahlad  in her lap to burn him to death.

On the assigned day a great crowd gathered to witness the royal punishment. Prahlad was taken into a blazind bonfire by Holika. Because of the devine protection Prahlad remained unharmed by the fire.  Holika, to the amazement of all those watching , was burnt to death inspite of her boon.

Holika Dahan has  came to  symbolise the victory of good over evil.


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