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Sunday, 7 October 2018


Sounds we no longer hear !

Once upon a time there were Table Clocks. Once every day you had to wind them up to enable them to keep running. In the pin drop silence at mid night one could hear the clock running - Tick .Tock .Tick. Tock. . .. This sound has passed into history.

The  old rotary dial phones required you to connect  a number by rotataing the dial and releasing it a number of times. This produced a typical CLICK... WHRRR ...... sound. We have silent push buttons phones now.

There was a symphony in how the wheels of those massive black railway steam engines moved and how those Hisss and Pufff sounds filled the railway platform as the engines pulled the trains out of the station.

There was a time when as you entered an office   your ears would be greeted with the sound of all those typewriters working at the same time.  These machines were noisy. The Clak...Clak... of each key, the zzzzip of the carriage return, the ggr-r-r-r-r-r-r of the manually rolling the paper up and down…. It was quite a  sound in a busy office. Traditional typewriters are part of history now.

There was one sound that even  most Senior citizens  may not have heard. That was the sound of Telegraph offices' vintage Morse Code Machines  sending the telegraphic  messages - gutttt . .  grrrrr . . . gutttt. . .gutttt.. . .
... grrrr .... That was before the Teleprinters came.

And finally those sounds of the Nature. With urbanisation and pollutions birds and bees  are disappearing. Certain animals are also not seen eg the washerman's donkey. How many of you have heard the cawing of a crow, the braying of the donkey , the humming of the bees, the KOO... KOO... of the koyal or the tuk.. tuk.. of a wood pecker at work ! In the fifties, in smaller town, you could even hear the calls of the Jackals !

How time flies !


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