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Monday, 26 November 2018

Contaminated food

why do we have to eat contaminated food  ?

Take for example a loaf of your daily bread.  it is made of wheat flour . wheat is grown in the farms where heavy amount of pesticides and fertilizers get into the wheat. Now they have started adding those poisonous  herbicides also . Then in the Flour Mills the best nutrients portions of wheat  get removed and refined flour is made available in the Bakery. At bakery they add preservatives, taste enhancers, antifungal agents bleaches and quite a few other things. By this time it is not the bread we used to eat in the past. On the wrapper you read that the bread is fortified with mineral and vitamins !

Now take the example of table salt. The commercial table salt is generally made out of processes you cannot imagine . Here is a link. read it to know what you are eating.

These are just two examples.

Why is humankind  committing suicide ?

Why are all these products not banned completely ?


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